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  • Writer's pictureDr Abdul Malik Plastic Surgeon In Lahore

Lower Body Lift Surgery

Updated: Aug 7, 2019

Lower Body Lift Surgery

Three types of patients can get benefits from the lower body Lift surgery. For Lower body lift surgery in Lahore patient can present with different situation like

1) hanging panniculus

2) photic mons pubis

3) vertical and horizontal skin excess of abdominal skin

4) lack of demarcation between lower back and buttock

5) upper back rolls

6) middle back rolls

7) Lower back rolls.


There are some following advantages

1) It lifts the trunk

2) Lower scar position covered by low lying swim

3) It helps to narrow waist

4) It helps to Improve the buttock contour

Process of evaluation

Arms , breast , upper back roll , thighs, face and lower trunk with hanging panniculus and detail weight history of patients is important in evaluation process of lower body lift Surgery in Lahore. Medical history like

1) Diabetes

2) Heart problem

3) High blood pressure

4) Bleeding disorder

5) Smoking

6) DVT

7) Previous surgery

8) Bariatric surgery

9) Psychiatric problem

Post-Operative Care and recovery

1) In post-operative care patients are advised not to move themselves or by staff unless completely awake.

2) Foleys Cather is removed after 1-2 days and drains are removed

3) Pain killer and antibiotics are given

4) Patient can be discharged home after 2-3 days

5) For first week patient is ambulated bent at the waist and then allowed to straighten up over next week.

6) Activity is restored after 2 week with regular non-physical work in 4 week.

7) Compression garments are continued for 4-6 weeks for better results.

8) Initial swelling and bruising are resolved in 1-2 weeks but edema is better in 3 months with more good results in 3-6 months.

9) Final contouring is achieved about 1 year post surgery.


Bleeding, Hematoma, Infection, Sermon, Wound dehiscence, Tissue necrosis, DVT, Asymmetry and Scar widening are some complications of Lower Body Lift surgery In Lahore

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